In a joint collaboration with Alpha Vet Tech, Cambridge UK and University of Bristol graduate Brooke Mirai Bennett, a pilot study was undertaken to research the use of smart wearable technology as a means of exercise tolerance monitoring in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease and the perception of dog owners on using canine smart wearable technology.

Alpha Vet Tech provided the wearable technology -WirelessZoo, to monitor the animals for the duration of the pilot study. The project was supervised by Professor Andrew Dowsey, data scientist and Dr Melanie Hezzell, a senior cardiologist and lecturer at Langford Small Animal Referral Hospital. Bristol Veterinary School provided a convenience population of canines, specifically King Charles Cavaliers for the study from their ongoing mitral valve disease research clinic..
The results of the project showed a promising significant finding. Dogs with a grading of stage B2 MMVD, showed a higher increase in heart rate during exercise compared to dogs with a grading of stage B1 MMVD. These pilot results will inform a larger study to confirm these findings and demonstrate great potential for WirelessZoo technology to provide at home(remote) monitoring and management of an incurable disease which can allow treatment to be given at the most optimal time.

About Brooke Mirai Bennett
Brooke is a registered veterinary nurse and recent graduate from the University of Bristol, first-class honours degree in veterinary nursing and companion animal behaviour. Brooke was awarded the Linnaeus award for achieving the highest aggregate mark in the programme. Brooke has a keen interest in innovative technologies to advance and enhance veterinary medicine. Her future goal is to gain a certificate in emergency and critical care nursing and become a certified clinical animal behaviourist.